美國國家公園成立於August 25, 2016屆滿一百週年,我們興起了來ㄧ趟美國國家公園之旅,經過一番考量,選擇了鄰近的華盛頓州和奧列岡州的 Olympic、Crater Lake 和 Mt. Hood 三個國家公園,並且選擇了八月二十五日正好是初秋涼爽的時節啓程南下,開始進行國家公園的 Road Trip。
Deception Bridge
Ferry between Port Townsend and Coupeville
Port Townsend
Pt. Townsend 古老建築
Pt. Townsend 旅館有很多來自加拿大來溫哥華的遊客
Port Townsend 遊艇碼頭
Port Townsend 遊艇出發
Port Townsend 渡輪和碼頭
Port Angels 渡輪碼頭等候休息區
Port Angels 水岸
Port Angels 遠景為 Olympic Mountains
Port Angels 水岸公園
Olympic Mountains 山谷
Olympic Mountains Hurricane Ridge
Olympic Mountains 群峰
Olympic Mountains 冰河
Olympic Mountain 山谷
Hurricane Ridge 向西眺望太平洋
Hurricane Ridge 眺望 Olympic Mountains 群峰
Olympic Mountains 群峰
Deer at Hurricane Ridge
Hurricane Ridge 眺望 Port Angels
Olympic National Park
Lucky at Lake Crescent
Lake Crescent
Lake Crescent Lodge 餐廳向外眺望湖景
Lake Crescent Lodge 大廳
Lake Crescent
Lake Crescent 湖邊沙灘
Lake Crescent 湖邊棧橋
Lake Crescent 湖邊留影
Lake Crescent Lodge
Lake Crescent Lodge
Lake Crescent
Lake Crescent
Rialto Beach
Rialto Beach Dickey River
Ruby Beach
Rialto Beach
Ruby Beach
Ruby Beach
Ruby Beach
Rialto Beach
Rialto Beach
Lake Quinault Lodge 大廳壁爐
Lake Quinault Lodge 露台享用餐點
Lake Quinault Lodge後院
Lake Quinault Lodge 住宿
Quinault Lake
Merriman Falls in Quinault Valley
Merriman Falls in Quinault Valley
Columbia River河口景觀。
Columbia River河口沼澤地。
Columbia River河口遠望Astoria小鎮。
跨越Columbia River河口處連接華盛頓州和奧列岡州的大橋
Astoria-Megler Bridge,長約6.4公里。
於Columbia River河口遠眺火口湖山。
Astoria-Megler Bridge
Astoria-Megler Bridge
Astoria-Megler Bridge
Astoria小鎮和Astoria-Megler Bridge
Astoria 古老劇院建築
Astoria-Megler Bridge
Astoria 郵輪碼頭
Astoria-Megler Bridge 和 Astoria 港區
The Peter Iredale Ship Wreck at Fort Stevens State Park
Fort Stevens State Park
Fort Stevens State Park 於 Columbia River 出海口防波堤
Columbia River 出海口
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach 街景
Canon Beach 旅館
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach 留影
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach 衝浪遊客
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach 街景
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Canon Beach
Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach
Lowell Covered Bridge (1945)
Odell Lake 遠望火口湖山
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park West Rim Drive
Crater Lake
Crater Lake and Wizard Island
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park 留影
Crater Lake 湖面和山頂沙土表面溫度之差異造成mini龍捲風
Crater Lake
Crater Lake
Crater Lake National Park
Wizard Island
Crater Lake 湖面
Crater Lake 湖面
Crater Lake 湖面之火山灰
Crater Lake 湖邊仍然有小部份積雪
Crater Lake
Crater Lake and Wizard Island
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake Lodge
Crater Lake 留影
Crater Lake National Park 留影
Crater Lake Lodge
Crater Lake Lodge
The Phantom Ship
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park East Rim Drive
Crater Lake National Park - The Pinnacles
Crater Lake National Park Pumice Castle
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake
Multnomah Falls
Multnomah Falls
Multnomah Falls 留影
Multnomah Falls
Multnomah Falls 遊客中心民俗裝扮
Columbia River at Hood River County
Mt. Hood National Park
Hood River Valley - known for its production of apples, pears and cherries.
Hood River Valley
Cherry Wood Smoked BBQ 櫻桃木煙薰八個小時的肋排風味絕佳。
Sherrard Point
Sherrard Point --- Sherrard 瞭望台,晴天時可以遠望到 Mt. St. Helens、 Mt. Rainier、 Mt. Adams 和 Mt. Hood 等幾座山峰。
The Columbia River Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge --- The Vista House
The Columbia River Gorge
The Columbia River Gorge
The Vista House
Crown Point